Post Abortion Support Program

Have you had an abortion? Do you feel different than you thought you would after an abortion? How you feel after an abortion should not be treated like a "political" or "religious" issue perhaps making you feel judged or miserable. We want to address you as a whole person with a unique set of experiences and a very individual response to your past abortion(s).

Often women may feel a very strong sense of relief following an abortion knowing that the pregnancy is over. However, sometimes a woman experiences confusing thoughts and emotions after that sense of relief and sometimes it can take 5, 10, or even 20 years to come to the surface. We offer a CONFIDENTIAL ABORTION RECOVERY program where we walk alongside you through healing.

The following are some of the symptoms of post-abortion syndrome:

*Guilt *Regret or sorrow *Low self-esteem / self-hatred *anxiety *depression / thoughts of suicide *can't sleep, dreams or nightmares *anger or rage

*bitterness *constant thoughts of aborted child *hopelessness *shame/ fear others will find out *feeling empty, lost and/or alone *increased drug / alcohol use *intense grief

*eating disorders, weight gain or loss *feeling emotionally numb (don't care) *lack of trust issues *uncomfortable around infants / pregnant women

If you can relate to any of these symptoms, we want to walk alongside you through the healing process. There is hope and healing after abortion. Contact us confidentially at or click here to find out how you can start toward a path of healing and freedom.